Cleaning Clutter!- What should be thrown away?
Cleaning clutter is a task that often reflects a person's ability to let go of items they no longer use, or items that may have never even used. They take up valuable space and can [...]
Cleaning Baseboards- The Easily Forgotten Task
Cleaning baseboards is a task that can easily be forgotten. Just the idea of having to get down on the ground....baseboards ALL along the edges of a home... Talk about an all day project, so [...]
7 Essential Floor Cleaning Tips
Floor cleaning tips....there are so many! Sometimes too many. How do you know what works? The most popular (and not always the smartest) solution online is vinegar, Dawn dish soap, and water, but some floors [...]
5 cleaning tips to get ready for the holidays!
There are plenty of things to check off your to-do list if you are having company over this holiday season. We compiled a list of 5 cleaning tips to ensure your home is in tip [...]